Monday 11 April 2016

Snake with two heads found in USA

A snake with two heads has been captured in USA by 42-year-old Jason Talbott. He found the snake in the wild, photographed it and captured it.

Jason admitted that though the snake looks a bit beastly, it is harmless and it's bite would not be enough to break a human's skin.

According to Jason, "it is estimated that it is 1 in 10,000 but it is hard to know a true number as they are wild and elusive animals and survival rate is very low.

" I'm a massive fan of creepy crawlies and snakes. I've photographed hundreds of them and received a few fair bites along the way. Fortunately, they were non-venomous ones."

Jason stated that the snake was found by his friends and when he was told about it, he decided to use the opportunity to take photos of the creature.

He said, "what was funny about the snake was that the two-heads had different personalities. One of the heads was very aggressive and kept trying to bite at objects. The problem was, because they both shared same body, the aggressive head needed the other one's cooperation to move. It was quite funny to watch, really. "


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